Excel Files

Posted after corresponding class
  • Failure Mode Effect Analysis Template: FMEA Template0.xlsx
  • Learning Curve Template: LCurvTemp.xlsx
  • Example of a learning curve problem: PM2-7.xls
  • Template for PERT problems: PERT_Template.xls
  • Example of a PERT problem: Activity_Diagram-Class_Example.xls
  • Simple Spreadsheet for Project Time Estimations: Project Time Estimations
  • Project Crashing Template: Project_Crashing.xls
  • Earned Value Analysis Template: EVA_Template.xls
  • Solutions to the Chapter 7 Homework: PMch07HW.xls
  • Solution to AdditionalPERT: PM2-19.xls
  • Solutions to the Chapter 8 Homework: PMch08HW.xls
  • Crashing the slides example using Excel/Solver: PM2-21.xls
  • Solutions to 9.15 and 9.12 done in class: PM2-26.xls
  • Solutions to the Chapter 9 Homework: PMch09HW.xls
  • Showing how to do NPV and IRR from the slides: PM3-14.xls
  • Showing how to do Earned Value on 10.13: PM3-28.xls
  • Solutions to the Chapter 2 Homework: PMch02HW.xls
  • Solutions to the Chapter 10 and 11 Homework: PMch10and11HW.xls